Friday, June 17, 2011

Through the Wormhole Season 2 Episode Guide

One of the best science documentaries these days, Through the Wormhole, has started its 2nd season recently. So let's check out the upcoming episodes to see what the 2nd season is all about.

The 2nd season will feature 10 episodes, which is 2 more than in the 1st season. The episodes will cover a variety questions in various branches of science as usual.

So here are the 10 episodes with corresponding titles:

1"Is There Life After Death?"June 8, 2011
In the premiere episode of the second season, Morgan Freeman dives deep into this provocative question that has mystified humans since the beginning of time. Modern physics and neuroscience are venturing into this once hallowed ground, and radically changing our ideas of life after death. Freeman serves as host to this polarized debate, where scientists and spiritualist attempt to define 'what is consciousness,' while cutting edge quantum mechanics could provide the answer to what happens when we die. 
2"Is There an Edge to the Universe?"June 15, 2011
It is commonly theorized that the universe began with the Big Bang 13.7 billion years ago. But since we can only see as far as light has traveled in that time, we can't actually make out the edge of the universe. Could it be that the universe is infinite? Is there any way to find out what the shape of the universe really is? Can we find the edge, discover what might lie beyond it, and perhaps even discover a universe next to ours? 
3"Is Time an Illusion?"June 22, 2011
It is a question that has vexed philosophers and scientists for centuries; 'What is Time?' Exactly how is our past, present, and future connected by that arrow of cause and effect that we call Time? Is time simply another dimension, just like the dimensions of space we know? Can you run time backwards just as easily as it runs forward, just as left-to-right can swap for right-to-left? If other universes exist, then what is time like in them: could their Time be different from ours? And we'll probe the biggest question about time: Is our future determined? Do we exercise free will? Or, is time merely a dream? 
4"Are There More than Three Dimensions?"June 29, 2011
We move and live in three dimensions: length, width, and height. However, Einstein revealed what was once unimaginable: time is actually a dimension and linked with space itself. To reconcile the massive cosmic and miniscule quantum worlds, physicists are realizing four dimensions may not be enough. They're unraveling up to eleven dimensions. How could this be true? Where could these dimensions be? 
5"Is There a Sixth Sense?"July 6, 2011
Can we perceive objects and events beyond the world detected by our five senses? The true limits of our human brain remain a scientific mystery. New studies in neuroscience are showing that our minds can really detect events and objects that our conscious selves know nothing about. Can we predict events in the future? Is there such a thing as a global consciousness? Could physical laws on the cusp of being discovered be at the root of all this? 
6"Are There Parallel Universes?"July 13, 2011
Imagine you will die tomorrow morning in a horrific car crash. Somewhere far, far away, there's an exact version of you that got in the same car, drove the same route, and collided with the same commuter. But this other version of you survives to drive another day. It may sound like science fiction, but it's looking more and more scientifically likely. Somewhere out there, beyond the cosmic horizon, inside a black hole, or as close as an atom's length away, there could be a parallel universe. If this is the case, how could we ever know? And would we ever be able to pay this universe a visit? 
7"Is There an Equation of Everything? (TBD)"July 20, 2011
It was Einstein's famous unfinished project - to find one law that unites all of physics, and explain everything in the universe. It's still an unfinished project, and today hundreds of physicists from CERN to NASA to the Ivory Towers around the world are struggling to find this holy grail of science. Is there one theory, one equation that governs every single event in our universe? An overarching structure to reality? This episode of THROUGH THE WORMHOLE attempts to journey into an understanding what the universe is made of, and how we got here. 
8"Can We Travel Faster than Light? (TBD)"July 27, 2011
It's called the speed limit of the universe. Einstein blew all of our minds when he worked out the Theory of Relativity, and showed that space and time were malleable substances. He also theorized that we as humans can never travel faster than the speed of light, which leaves the stars and other galaxies almost impossibly out of our reach. But the dreams of Star Wars and Star Trek are not dead. In fact, there could be ways to travel faster than the speed of light - and some of them are already being tested in labs around the world. 
9"Can We Live Forever?"August 3, 2011
Medical advances have doubled human life expectancy in past centuries. But can humans ever beat death altogether? Can we control and fix the errors that build up in our DNA over the years? Can we find a way to replace the chemistry of life with something more durable? This episode wonders into the mystifying definition of 'eternity' as it relates to human lifespan. 
10"What Do Aliens Look Like?"August 10, 2011
Science fiction writers have always had their little green men. But these humanoid aliens were based soundly on Earth-based life, not any extra terrestrial evidence. Today, we've discovered hundreds of planets around other stars. As we learn what some of these alternative Earths might look like, science and imagination have allowed us to use real science to imagine the biology of their inhabitants. Will they have two eyes? Two legs? What color will their skin be? Which species on Earth can give us clues about likely biology of aliens? And what can we learn from how life on Earth developed to help us understand what ET really looks like? 

As we can see the questions are even more fascinating than in the previous season (with exception to the first episode of course). I especially like the episodes 1, 5, 9 and 10 as they seem rather unique, having in mind that not many documentaries covered these questions.

Other episodes seem to be rather familiar and seen often in other documentaries, but I'm sure that Morgan Freeman, and the team of Through the Wormhole will give these subjects a brand new feel and depth.

If you haven't seen season 1, it can be found here:


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