Monday, May 14, 2012

More Touching Sounds From Outer Space

A couple of days ago I wrote an article about the "Symphonies of the Planets" on Physics Database. It's a famous recording of the sounds from the outer solar system planets and since it turned out to be a popular article I decided to make a more complete collection of these amazing sound clips.

The original recording was made by using the signals recorded by Voyager 1 & 2 on their way out of the solar system. Various interactions, for instance, the interactions between the magnetosphere of the planets and the solar winds were caught and transformed into sounds. It was quite a hit in the 90s. as you can imagine, but it's hard to find new recordings these days. However, you can find some used ones for an affordable price here.

So today let's check out some more sounds from the giant planets of our solar system and some extra clips that do not belong to the Symphonies of the Planets Collection but are still unique and remarkable.


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